Healing & Therapies
At The Divine Hub we offer a range of different healing & therapies that can rebalance & restore your wellbeing, from angel card readings to chakra rebalance & hypnotherapy.
Meet our team below
Founder of The Divine Hub
Treatments by Maureen Di Felice (Rose Divine Healing)
Maureen is the founder & owner of the Divine Hub and is well known for her Angel Card Readings, Psychic Readings, Mediumship and Spiritual Guidance in Manchester UK, Nationally and Internationally.
Maureen also has recently qualified in Cognitive & Clinical Hypnotherapy and offers a whole range of treatments from The Divine Hub.
For a list of services & further details of what she has to offer click on tab below.
Andrea Joy
Andrea Joy is an experienced practising Tarot/Angel intuitive card reader.
Andrea puts loving service to others at the top of her list and greets everyone with a warm and friendly approach, offering guidance, clarity and ultimately self empowerment to her clients. Her treatments offer pure relaxation and a feeling of calm and can often include personal and spiritual insights and deeper understanding to individuals.
Treatments on offer with Andrea:
Intuitive card reading one hour £33.00
intuitive card reading half an hour £23.00
Call or email Andrea to book your appointment and/or enquire about her treatments and services.
Tel.: 07852 829442
Zoleikha Mian
Spiritual Healing with Jean
I offer half an hour of Spiritual Healing at no charge, but donations are welcome. This is a holistic, complimentary therapy, open to people of all faiths or none. The healing is governed by a Code of Conduct and is backed by public liability insurance.
Please contact me on 07817 451574 for more information or to make a booking.
Gouri Lal
For the past twenty years I have been honoured to hold a space for people who are on their healing journey. As a Master and teacher of Usui Reiki, I offer Reiki treatments and I also lead a thriving, supportive community of Reiki practitioners.
My work has the basis of compassion, understanding, inclusivity and personal empowerment.
I utilise the methods of Reiki, Somatic movement, Access Bars, Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy as well as deep listening, in order to calibrate each session and any subsequent guidance, to the individual. The sessions contain the essence of groundedness, helping you to grow your capacity to open up to, recognise, and navigate what life is presenting to you in the here and now.
I offer these services:
Reiki treatment
Reiki treatment plus feedback on your energy and guidance
Somatic Movement
Access Bars treatment
Holistic coaching (which may include meditation and hypnotherapy)
Reiki Training up to Master-Teacher level
Mentorship for Reiki practitioners and Masters
Workshops for Reiki practitioners and Masters
Reiki Shares for Reiki practitioners
You can email me at gouri@lalki.co.uk
My website is www.lalki.co.uk
and you’re welcome to read other client’s experiences on Lalki Therapy.