Angel, Tarot & Oracle Card Readings

Here at The Divine Hub we are well known for our card readings. We use the most gentlest Angel Cards which can be a powerful tool for those seeking guidance in their life.

Like Tarot cards, angel cards can give insight into relationships, careers and finances while giving you peace of mind and confidence in your decisions however all angel cards are positive & can be used with the most sensitive of people.

All our readings are channelled from angelic energy

... They tap into Angelic presence to guide you in life.



Past, Present, Future

25-30 minutes - £25

This 3 card spread allows you seek guidance and ask the question regarding your past, present & future.



Full Card Spread

1 hour - £45

This full card spread can give you more indepth guidance on a certain situation like your career, romance, family, relationships.

This is our most popular reading.




Channelled reading

Psychic Reading and Mediumship - £45

1 hour

This reading is for those who want to connect with loved ones who have passed or require a more in depth channelled reading connecting with spirits or angels.

What are Angels?

What is an Angel?

An Angel is what is sometimes called a 'Light Being' or 'Messenger of God' but before you run away thinking Angels are Religious - they're not, certainly not in the way Maureen works anyway. There are many definitions of Angels and whilst it is important to respect the beliefs of people who are religious and who do believe that Angels are messengers of God, it is equally okay to know that Angels are whatever they mean to you - what do you think an Angel is?

What is an Archangel?

An Archangel is a very powerful Angel. Archangels are Masters of their craft if you like, the one all the other Angels assist. Each Archangel has a different area of speciality. For example, Archangel Michael is often called upon to help with issues around letting go, protection and power. He is a great ally in times of fear and confusion.

 Archangel Raphael's speciality is healing. As with all Archangels, he is associated with a specific colour. Raphael's colour is Green and he is particularly beneficial when needing healing - physical, emotional, psychological and even spiritual.

How Can They Help Me?

 Healing Practitioners, of any discipline, will tap into Divine, Spiritual, Source Energy - whatever you want to call it - in order to give you the purest, most positive help and support possible. Maureen was chosen to use the Angels and the Angelic Realms to help you. It doesn't really matter who and what she is using, just so long as you feel comfortable and get the help you need. Should you choose to introduce Angels into the rest of your life (outside the reading) then here are a few tips:

Always ask the Angels to help you. Just like praying, when you talk to the Angels they will hear you. This in itself can be healing, comforting and maybe even of practical help.

Bring forward (or 'Evoke' is the word often used) the appropriate Angel for your needs and stage in development. Rose Divine will tell you which Angel or Archangel will be the most appropriate.

Working with Angels is like any form of healing or meditative practice - the more you do it the more powerful it will feel and the closer the connection will be experienced.

Rose Divine will assist you with exploring this further but in the meantime do know that whatever you experience - is right for you.

What is an Angel Reading?

Cards are tools to access the Divine Guidance of the Angelic Realm. Rose Divine has a 'Direct Line' to the Angels and using Angel cards during a reading can enhance this connection and give greater clarity. 

Any card reading relies on interpretation. Rose Divine does not interpret the cards herself - The Angels and her guides channel the meaning of the cards, which will be different for each individual, Rose Divine then passes this meaning to you. 

The major aspect of an Angel Reading is that it can be great fun! The cards themselves are beautifully designed, carry a powerful message and can bring about positive change for anyone who seeks the Light they can impart. 

Using the Angel Cards, Channelled Angelic Messages, Mediumship and her natural Psychic ability - Rose Divine weaves a web of Light for you to discover who you truly are.



Rose Divine - Angelic presence connecting you with your destiny


I would highly recommend Maureen Di Felice / Rose Divine.  I have attended Angel workshops, psychic classes and one-to-one readings with Maureen, and can't say enough positive things about them all.  She is trustworthy, genuine, kind and knows her stuff.

KAREN, Workshop Attendee and Client.

Maureen's reading has given me a sense of peace and faith within myself which has enabled for to move forward onto a postive path.                         

SOPHIE, Client.

Maureen is a wonderful, down-to-earth teacher who has helped me immensely on my spiritual journey.

HELEN, Workshop Attendee and Client.

I just wanted to say once again thank you for today’s reading, it has given me a lot of hope and a very clear mind.  As such I would love to attend the full Angel day on the 7th of October if you could please book me in.

NICK, Client.

My life has been totally transformed by Rose Divine’s guidance from the Angelic realms.

DILLY, Client.

I am now living a new life in Australia and getting married, all of which was predicted by the Angels and Rose Divine.

ALPA, Australia, Client.